Embarking on the academic odyssey of a Ph.D. is a transformative and deeply personal journey. “The Ph.D. Journey” encapsulates the myriad experiences, challenges, and triumphs encountered along the path of doctoral research. In this exploration, Professor Jerome Carson will share the highs and lows, the unexpected discoveries, and the growth that unfolds through the pursuit of knowledge at the highest level. Join us in reflecting on the twists and turns, the resilience cultivated, PhD opportunities at Bolton and the profound moments that define the intricate tapestry of this educational adventure. You can Better your best from the best of the best
Jerome is Professor of Psychology at the University of Bolton. He did his first degree in psychology at the University of Reading, graduating in 1979. After this, he did his Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology at the University of East London. Jerome then worked in the NHS for 32 years. In 1992, he became a lecturer in Clinical Psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry and in 1997 was promoted to Senior Lecturer. In 2005 he obtained his PhD from King’s College London.
For most of his working life, Jerome has been a clinical academic. He published his first journal paper in 1985 and since then has published over 200 papers and book chapters. He has co-edited eight books with three on the topic of mental health recovery. This has been one of his major research interests, along with positive psychology.
Jerome has worked in Bolton since September 2012. A significant landmark has been the opening of the only MSc in Positive Psychology in the North West of England, which was established in 2016. Jerome’s ambitions are to ensure that students receive the best possible education here at Bolton and that the psychology department becomes one of the top 25 departments in the country.
You can watch the full lecture on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/Em24WkVRJWs
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